Special Events

Fall Family Fun Night

In September we invite our local community to come to SPPS and enjoy a fall themed family fun night. We have bounce houses, a corn pit, hayrack rides, smores making, a bon fire, and pumpkin painting/carving! We have concessions available to eat and we stream Football games for those interested. We have a blast watching everyone enjoy these fun activities as we kick off the fall school year.

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fall family fun night
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Children with thier pets

Pet Blessing
St. Francis of Assisi is revered as the patron saint of animals due to his deep reverence and compassion for all living creatures. His life was marked by a profound connection to nature and a belief in the sanctity of all God's creations. St. Francis famously preached to the birds and is said to have tamed wild animals. He viewed animals as fellow beings, deserving of kindness and care, and saw the divine presence in them. His dedication to promoting the well-being of animals and the environment earned him the title of the patron saint of animals, making him a symbol of love and stewardship for all creatures great and small. Every year on the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi we honor him by blessing our animals. Our priest comes and blesses all of our school families animals. We usually have your average animals like Dogs and Cats, but in the past we have had chickens, rabbits, a bearded dragon, a horse, a turtle, and a tomato worm!

National Agriculture Day

At SPPS we celebrate our farmers and all those who work in the Agriculture Industry. This event is put on by local farm family volunteers and in collaboration with 4H and the Hancock County Beef Association. Our students have the chance to interact with various farm animals, learn about different crops, and even see some of the machinery used in modern agriculture up close. We have informative displays and activities that highlight the importance of agriculture in our community. Students learn about the principles of animal husbandry, the role of agriculture in sustaining our environment, and the significance of supporting local farmers.

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National Ag Day